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Top Chiropractic Wellness Tips for Everyday Life
Top Chiropractic Wellness Tips Everyday Life
Chiropractic wellness is a great way to safeguard your healthy through the motions of everyday life. Simple things such as slouching while sitting or standing can lead to spinal injury. To make sure that doesn’t happen, this article contains some essential tips to guide you.
Always make it a point to sit on a chair that is strong enough to comfortably support your weight. Your feet should be grounded on the floor. Alternatively, step on a footstool, so the knees are a little bit higher than the hips. Sit against the back end of the seat, without slouching. Again, don’t cross your legs at knee-level. This can aggravate already existing back conditions, as well as limit the circulation of blood to lower limbs.
Standing upright not only elicits the impression of confidence, but it also contributes to proper spine health. Make sure to stand with your head level. If you have to stay in the same position for a considerable amount of time, consider placing one of your feet on a low (4-6”) footstool to relieve pressure from the spine. If you’re going to be standing for long, avoid high heels.
Desk Work
When at a desk, make sure that you take multiple stretch breaks. You should always sit with the knees positioned at about 90-120 degrees angle. The chair you sit on should fit well, and it should tilt back so you can easily read on a computer screen. There should be about two inches worth of distance between the seat’s edge and back of your knees. A computer screen or any other materials on your desk should be elevated to avoid neck issues.
If you’re lifting something, avoid turning or twisting motions. If you need to turn in order to put an object down, make sure to step in the same direction as the turn rather than twisting at waist level. Get into the habit of bending your knees (and not your waist) while lifting things. Your feet should be planted about 12” to 18” apart, and knees should squat before the item so that you straighten upwards while lifting.
Physical activity
So what chiropractic wellness tips do you apply while engaging in physical activities such as household chores? Make sure to warm up and cool down before and after the activity (e.g. gardening, sports, raking). If you’re washing dishes, lean against a counter for support. When vacuuming, your weight should be put on one foot, so that you can step forward and backwards with your other foot while you push the cleaner. Your back foot should be applied as a pivot when turning.
Using the phone
Whenever you use the telephone, don’t cradle the receiver in between your shoulder and neck. Hold the phone in your hand or use the speakerphone. But if you use the phone a lot, a lightweight headset should suffice. If you’re on long calls, frequently switch hands.
These rather simple chiropractic wellness tips can go a long way towards promoting your health in the long run. For more specific chiropractic care, contact our experts at Active Family Chiropractic (https://swistakchiro.com) today.