Treat Chronic Plantar Fasciitis with Special Care
Are you experiencing chronic pain in the foot and ankles? Can’t stand for any longer?
Chronic Plantar Fasciitis (CPF) is a form of inflammation in the thick band of tissue at the bottom of the foot. This inflammation can cause heel spurs, which can vary from mild to severe; and, this pain can slowly extend from the base of the toes to the rest of the foot.
If you’re tired of Chronic Plantar Fasciitis controlling your life, then look no further than CPF treatment at Active Family Chiropractic Care in North Potomac, Maryland. Here, we have specialized doctors that will examine your foot to pinpoint the source of pain. From imaging tests to observations, doctors will rule out any other conditions (i.e., broken bone, pinched nerve, etc.), so that they can get to the source of the pain as accurately as possible.
Who Could Get Chronic Plantar Fasciitis?
CPF is common amongst people between the ages of 40 and 60.. Specific activities place great stress on the heels and ankles, and may cause CPF:
- Ballet
- Dancing
- Aerobics
- Long-distance running
Your lifestyle can also play a major role in CPF, depending on various factors, including:
- Obesity
- Rigorous activity
- Repetitive stress on the ligaments
- Tight calf muscles
- Aging
- Prolonged standing
- Occupations that keeps you on your feet for a long time
- Certain foot mechanics (i.e., flat feet, high arc, or abnormal pattern of walking)
What to Do to Reduce Chronic Plantar Fasciitis?
Try some of these self-care tips to help reduce the pain from CPF:
- Maintain a healthy weight.
- Choose shoes from low to moderate heels, good arch support, and thick soles.
- Discard worn-out athletic shoes.
- Indulge in low-impact sports (i.e., swimming, bicycling, etc.).
- Apply an ice pack on your feet for 15 minutes (3 to 4 times daily).
- Do stretching exercises with your plantar fascia, Achilles tendon, and calf muscles.
Don’t even ignore the pain. If you leave CPF unchecked, the damage can get worse with further problems such as foot, knee, or hip problems. That’s why the Active Family Chiropractic team are here to help you by providing the best therapeutic programs with expert guidance.
Get in Touch
To learn more about our exceptional services at Active Family Chiropractic, and how you can prevent CPF, schedule an appointment with a specialized doctor today!