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Medical Doctors “Go on the Record” About the Role and Value of Chiropractic Care

Chiropractor and PatientOver the years, much has been written about the historical mistrust and animosity between medical doctors (MDs) and chiropractic physicians (DCs). However, it’s clear that several converging trends are changing the MD-DC relationship in some fundamental ways that will ultimately benefit patients:

  • Growing public interest in nontraditional, complementary and alternative medicine
  • Broader acceptance of evidence-based principles and standards across healthcare disciplines
  • Expanded interaction between MDs and DCs in research and clinical settings, particularly on interdisciplinary or multi-specialty teams
  • Increased professional recognition of the value of integrative or holistic care models
  • Ongoing effort to improve healthcare access, outcomes and economics, especially as these relate to treatment of chronic “lifestyle” diseases

While this change has been gradual and uneven, it is occurring. To help illustrate this change, we’ve collected a series of “Notable Quotes” from medical doctors offering their own observations and commentary on the role and value of chiropractic care.

Chiropractic Physicians in the Evolving World of Healthcare

“The chiropractic profession is assuming its valuable and appropriate role in the health care system in this country and around the world. As this happens the professional battles of the past will fade and the patients at last will be the true winner.”

Wayne Jonas, MD
Director (1995-1998), National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine,
US National Institutes of Health

“I have always believed that the overutilization of pharmaceuticals and surgery, and the underutilization of more natural healing techniques, such as chiropractic, has been the cause of great suffering. Yet I had no idea that the magnitude and cost effectiveness would approach 50% in both cases. Previous studies have shown these types of savings when chiropractic has been used as a first line treatment for neuro-musculoskeletal ailments, instead of conventional medical care. But to see this level of effectiveness across the board for literally all types of clinical presentations within a primary care setting is surprising to me, and good news for the world.”

Richard L. Sarnat, M.D.

“Chiropractors are increasingly becoming important members of the traditional healthcare team, providing valuable contributions to a patient’s health and well-being. I can attest to this on a professional and a personal level. Following a car accident three years ago, I had the benefit of conservative chiropractic and orthopedic care and thus avoided surgery.”

Sana Khan, PhD, MD

“Good medicine is about the putting the patient first and chiropractors are an important part of the total healthcare team. Chiropractic works. I know this because my partner is a chiropractor and I’m proud of that fact.”

Carlon Colker, MD
Internal Medicine

“Throughout my years in clinical practice, I have been fortunate to associate with excellent clinicians among the chiropractors who treated my friends, my referred patients, and me.”

Helen Rodriguez-Trias MD, FAAP
Fellow, American Academy of Pediatrics and Past President of the American Public Health Association

“Manipulation is an art that requires much practice to acquire the necessary skill and competence. Few medical practitioners have the time or inclination to master it. This modality has much to offer to the patient with low back pain, especially in the earlier stages during the phase of dysfunction. The majority of patients are first seen while in this phase. Most practitioners of medicine, whether family physicians, or surgeons, will wish to refer their patients to a practitioner of manipulative therapy with whom they can cooperate, whose work they know, and whom they can trust. The physician who makes use of this resource will have many contented patients and save himself many headaches.”

W.H. Kirkaldy-Willis, MD
Author of Managing Low Back Pain

“I am very familiar with the chiropractic approach to health care. As an OB-GYN, I know chiropractic care is the best treatment for common backaches and joint problems experienced by many women during pregnancy. I refer all my patients to medical doctors of chiropractic for these problems. As we all know, the less medications taken by a pregnant woman, the better it is for her yet-to-be born child… Over the years, I have seen the benefits of the care only a doctor of chiropractic can provide and significantly reduce a pregnant mother’s reliance upon pain and narcotic medications.”

Jason Rexroth, MD, OB-GYN