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How A Chiropractor Can Help With Postpartum Back Pain
Many women experience some sort of pain and discomfort after pregnancy. After all, carrying a baby for nine months will definitely have a serious impact on any woman’s body. However, persistent or recurring post-pregnancy back pain is not normal. The best way to fix back pain after pregnancy is to contact a licensed chiropractor who can treat postpartum back pain.
Your Body Changes During and After Pregnancy
If you’ve recently had a baby, you are well aware that the human body changes dramatically during pregnancy. Beyond what we can see, though, there are a number of chemical changes that happen during and after pregnancy.
When you are pregnant, your body releases a hormone called relaxin. This aptly-named hormone relaxes your ligaments so that your body is ready for childbirth. Once you have delivered the baby, this hormone will no longer be in your system and your ligaments will return to normal elasticity.
This may cause your spine, pelvis, and other bones to be misaligned after childbirth, thus resulting in postpartum lower back or upper back pain.
Benefits of Post-Pregnancy Chiropractic Care
It is a great idea to visit a chiropractor for care during pregnancy. However, seeking chiropractic care after pregnancy can be just as important. Here are some of the benefits that you can expect from visiting a chiropractor after pregnancy.

Restore Body’s Biomechanics
Having a baby can cause many internal complications, including a misaligned spine. Even if you’ve already delivered your baby, your spine may not immediately go back to its normal alignment on its own. It may take time to restore its normal shape and can cause a lot of pain while it’s misaligned.
The best way to realign the spine quickly and safely is to visit a chiropractor. This will prevent any bigger issues that can be caused by improper spine alignment.
Can Treat Sciatica
Sciatica is a common lower-back problem that can happen during pregnancy. It can happen to anyone, but it is a common occurrence in pregnant women. If you did not receive chiropractic care during pregnancy and are experiencing lower back pain, you may be suffering from sciatica.
The best way to treat sciatica is to visit a chiropractor clinic that can provide the physical therapy and spine manipulation services needed for this condition.
Helps With Post-pregnancy Healing
After successful delivery, many new moms are eager to get their life and body back in order. This usually involves working out again to lose the baby weight and return to their normal shapes. However, back pain can be a big barrier to completing these workouts.
Working out while experiencing postpartum back pain can actually cause more severe problems down the road. A licensed chiropractor can help treat this back pain so that you can comfortably exercise and speed up your post-pregnancy healing.
Contact A Chiropractor If You Are Experiencing Postpartum Back Pain
If you are experiencing postpartum back pain, you should contact a chiropractor as soon as possible. Not only will a chiropractor be able to treat the back pain you are currently experiencing, but they will also be able to prevent more serious issues down the road.
Active Family Chiropractic is a full-service chiropractic clinic in Maryland offering care to the people of Kentlands, Lakelands, Gaithersburg, North Potomac, Rockville, Germantown, Potomac, and surrounding areas. Call us today at (301) 963-8333 to discuss how our licensed chiropractors can help with your postpartum back pain.