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Recognizing Signs of Depression

Just about everyone will experience depression at some point in their life. Depression affects about 10 percent of the US population each year, which amounts to 18.8 million people. The World Health Organization indicates that by 2020 will be the second leading cause of death after heart disease. Therefore, it


Do I Need to Keep Seeing My Chiropractor After the Pain is Gone?

It is good news that your pain is gone. Chiropractic practitioners are experts at detecting, correcting, and preventing spinal misalignments, which can quickly provide pain relief. However, there are two important reasons to return to your chiropractor even though you are feeling better. First, the underlying problem may not yet


Chiropractic for Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a disorder that affects some 5 to 7 million Americans. A normal spine, as observed from behind the body, is aligned straight up and down. A spine with scoliosis is seen to have excessive side-to-side curvature, resulting in a “C” or “S” shape. Scoliosis is different from kyphosis


Chiropractic for Hip Pain

Your hips and legs support your entire body. They provide stability, strength, mobility, and flexibility. Misalignment or subluxation of the spine can cause both hip and leg pain by irritating the nerves and creating muscle spasms. As these areas of the body receive nearly continuous usage, they can suffer a

Cold Laser Therapy

What is Chiropractic Cold Laser Therapy?

Cold laser therapy (also called Low Level Laser Therapy or LLLT) involves the use of light (a specific wavelength and frequency of coherent light, generated from a low-wattage therapeutic laser) to stimulate the body’s cells and cause them to accelerate the healing process. The therapeutic use of lasers (LASER is

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Do You Have SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)?

As autumn turns to winter and the days become shorter, do you find yourself suffering from symptoms of depression that mysteriously seem to disappear once the days have become longer? Do you feel like you would just like to hibernate until spring? If so, you may have Seasonal Affective Disorder


Do all Chiropractors Provide the Same Type of Care?

No. While all certified Doctors of Chiropractic have undergone the same basic training, how and what they practice is as varied as the number of individual chiropractors care. Different chiropractic colleges have different philosophies or approaches, and so naturally their students do as well. One basic distinction you may find


Chiropractic for Tennis Players

Approximately 65% of the 15 million tennis players in the United States sustain at least one injury per year. Tennis is a sport that involves repetitive motions and ballistic movements. As such, the sport can create both local and systemic stresses on the body. For example, hard foot plants are

Healthy Skin

6 Tips for Healthy-Looking Skin

We all want to look young and beautiful, no matter what our age, and keeping your skin in good condition goes a long way toward that goal. There are a number of things you can do to keep your skin looking supple and glowing that don’t involve expensive treatments or


What is the Activator Technique?

Out of all the chiropractic treatments available, the Activator technique is the gentlest. Developed by Arthur Fuhr, the Activator technique offers an alternative to manual manipulation of the spine and/or extremity joints. Instead, chiropractors practicing this method use an activator device, allowing for gentler chiropractic treatment. The Activator is a