Is your elbow pain hindering you from daily activities? You’re not alone.
What is Elbow Pain?
Elbow pain can be described as a feeling of discomfort that travels up and down the arm, creating weak points in the wrist, swelling, and extreme pain during arm movement (i.e., lifting, holding, or grasping things). This pain may be the cause of any disruptions of the joint (or structures around it), including:
- Injury/Trauma
- Tendonitis
- Arthritis
- Bursitis
- Entrapment of nerves
- Other pain areas
Pain on the tennis elbow
The tennis elbow is located at the lateral condyle, and involves the tendons and ligaments that extend the wrist and stand the repetitive use of the forearm. This part of the elbow can be problematic for golfers and tennis players, if elbow pain occurs.
Pain on the medial elbow
Medial elbow pain forms from the flexion of the wrist, or from the nerve called the ulnar nerve (which travels through a tunnel in the elbow).
Swelling at the elbow is usually caused by inflammation in the olecranon bursa. A swollen elbow may appear warm and red, which are indicators for infection, gout, or elbow injury.
Diagnosis of elbow pain
Several tests are recommended to diagnose elbow problems (i.e., aspiration of fluid from the joint), or x-rays for patients who have severe pain at the elbow. Doctors and experts also recommend that all elbow pain patients take part in different tests of movement to help determine the source of the pain while the elbow is functioning.
How Can Chiropractic Therapy Help the Elbow?
Chiropractic therapy can help ease elbow pain by offering various diagnoses and techniques for patients. By tackling elbow pain with a therapeutic approach, patients can learn to manage their pain, whether they opt for therapy, or simply want to use an elbow brace or strap.
Elbow pain chiropractors will also link elbow pain to the misalignment of the spinal column, if all signs lead to that disorder. By making the necessary spinal adjustments in therapy, chiropractors ensure that elbow pain is no longer a burden for patients.
To learn more about diagnosing elbow pain, and get to know out certified elbow pain chiropractor treatments, visit Active Family Chiropractic Care online to make an appointment!