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The Active Family Chiropractic Care Center introduces the newest laser technology that treats over 100 conditions!

What is Theralase TLC-2000?

The efficiency of the Theralase Laser System has been confirmed by more than 4000 studies conducted worldwide.

Unlike LED and competitor laser technologies, Theralase’s patented TLC-2000 dual wavelength super pulsed cold lasers allow tissue penetration of up to 5 inches to help:

  • Accelerate healing – Theralase stimulates the source of cellular ATP (basic cell energy) and speeds up tissue repair.
  • Reduce Inflammation – Theralase’s super pulsed laser technology stimulates nitric oxide production by more than 700%, thus helping increase blood vessels dilatation and decrease inflammation.
  • Eliminate Pain – Theralase’s lasers rebalance the sodium-potassium transport pathway, thus helping remove the source of pain.

Theralase cold lasers can help improve or treat many physio conditions including:

  • Neck and upper back pain
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Ligament sprains and injuries
  • Muscle Strains
  • Arthritis
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Knee Pain

This highly effective treatment is non-invasive, non-toxic, pain-free, and completely safe!

Theralase for Treating Neck and Upper Back

According to the Lancet report, nearly 10% of the US population suffers from neck or upper back pain. Neck an upper back pain may be caused by several factors, such as:

  • Poor posture
  • Nerve root disorder
  • Traumas (like whiplash)
  • Injuries (such as repetitive occupational injuries)

The report also states that various pharmacological therapies are used to treat these pains, but with very low success.

Luckily, there is evidence that the use of cold laser therapy (also known as Low level laser therapy or LLLT) is far more successful in treating neck and upper back pain. The effects of cold laser therapy can last for more than 20 weeks. For comparison, the effects of drug therapies end almost immediately after the treatment is finished.

The benefits of Theralase cold lasers for neck and upper back include:

  • Reduced acute recurrent pain
  • Reduced disability
  • Reduce pain intensity

How Does the Theralase Treatment for Neck and Upper Back Work?

The Theralase Laser System, in conjunction with other therapies, is an effective and safe alternative to pharmaceutical drugs or surgery in treating upper back and neck pain.

After a detailed consultation with a professional chiropractor at our clinic, they’ll select at least two pain locations to target with 1000Hz for about 3-4 minutes. The therapy session takes between 15 and 20 minutes.

The number of treatments depends on the patient’s condition. For lesser injuries, the chiropractor may suggest no more than three sessions, whereas for more serious conditions, they might recommend 10-12 sessions.

The treatment frequency is usually two times a week in a two-week period, then once a week in the following two-week period.

Patients usually experience reduced pain or increased range of motion after the first treatment.

Very often, once the problem is resolved, the patient won’t need to repeat the treatment. However, more serious conditions and injuries may require the treatment to be repeated in every six to eight weeks.

Call us today to learn more about our cold laser treatments and to schedule your exam and evaluation!